Wednesday, July 15, 2015

How "Jurassic World" Should Have Ended

This latest "HISHE" clip is about "Jurassic World". This hilarious video lists all the fail-safes they should've implemented at a Dinosaur theme-park, including fail-safes the park had in place, but just didn't use for some reason....? It also shows how they could've avoided the whole situation if they were smarter and tracked the dinosaur before going into the cage. Why was the door for the cage large enough for a T-Rex to fit through? Why didn't they activate the shock collars on all the escaped dinosaurs instead of letting all those pterodactyls attack the park visitors?

This "HISHE" clip lists a bunch of 'Do's' and 'Don'ts' when operating a dangerous live dinosaur theme-park.The movie is full of bad decisions and stupid mistakes. What was their plan to get the raptors back into their cages after releasing them? It's a super funny "HISHE" video that ends with some silly puns (so make sure to watch the entire clip).

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