This is the Final, and by far the craziest season of "TrueBlood". So many surprises and twists plus this season is more action than drama. This season is all about a disease that's killing vampires called "Hepatitis-V". Symptoms are black veins appearing and spreading all over the body until the infected vampire dies a terrible death. It also makes them aggressive and desperate for clean blood.
Season seven starts with a vampire attack in which the "hep-v positive" vampires attacked "Bon Temp", unaware there were good vampires there to protect them. It turns into an all out brawl between the good vampires & werewolves VS the infected vampires Who they easily kill mid-season in an epic scene. There were so many deaths and loss of characters during this final season - "Tara" meets the "truth death" in the first episode and it doesn't even show it happen.... "Lafayette" steals "Jessica's" vampire boyfriend and turns him gay. "Jessica" kills 3 out of 4 of "Andy Belflour's fairy daughters" and it just sort of blows over, like it's not a big deal. "Sam Merlotte" finds a new girlfriend after his last one just died and skips town with her, leaving "Merlottes Diner" to "Arlene". "Jason" is in another complicated relationship... This time, with a strong and possessive vampire who turns evil and meets the "true death" also. "Alcide" and "Sookie" are in a serious relationship, but he is shot and killed by mid-season. "Sookie" doesn't even grieve long - she goes right back to loving "Bill" almost immediately.
"Bill" is back to his normal self when he discovers he is "Hep-V positive" and dying. "Jessica" is kind of a slut this season - She has sex with her gay vampire boyfriend, and when they break up she goes running back to "Jason" and sleeps with him immediately. Then "Hoyt" returns from Alaska, and he and "Jessica" start their relationship all over again. In fact, "Jessica" and "Hoyt"get married right away so "Bill" could walk her down the aisle before dying.
There is a cure for "Hepatitis-V" that "Sara Newland" drank, (I can't believe she is still on this show) Thus, making herself the cure - her blood can cure all the sick vampires and restore order. "Eric' captures her and synthesizes her blood into a cure and a new alternative to drinking human blood, called "Newblood" However, "Bill" won't drink the cure, he has made peace with his death and plagued with flashbacks to his human life, and the realization that "Sookie" will never have a normal life with him. So in the Finale, by request; "Sookie"is the one that kills "Bill" and buries his remains, It's a super emotional scene - This whole series has been about those two and the ups and downs they experienced together and the show appropriately ends with the two of them (just not as I expected).At the end of the series finale, it shows years down the road that "Eric" and "Pam" are back in business and making a fortune with "NewBlood".
The last scene shows a peaceful "Bon Temp", and everyone is together for a picnic. It also shows a happy & pregnant "Sookie Stackhouse", but never reveals the father.
It sucks this show is ending after seven AMAZING seasons, but it's ending in such a cohesive way that ends everything sensibly and ties the series up.so the show can't continue any longer. It was a GREAT series finale!