Monday, April 13, 2015

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (Trailer)

The rumors are true, there is going to be a "Batman vs Superman" movie! Henry Cavill from "Man of Steel" will reprise his role as "Superman", and Ben Afleck will take his turn in playing "Batman". I don't know if there is going to be another "Batman" trilogy starring Ben Afleck or if this is a sequel to "Man of Steel". I think Ben Affleck is a good casting choice for "Batman" with that defined chin of his. The film is being pitched as a 'versus' movie between these two heroes, but that wouldn't make sense. "Superman" could just obliterate "Batman" with his laser eyes or his alien strength, (He is literally invincible.... it's not a fair fight). I bet they fight at first, before deciding to team up and take down "Lex Luthor", played by the annoying Jessie Eisenberg. There is also rumors that there may be appearances from other "Justice League" members, such as "Auquaman" and "Wonder Woman". The film doesn't release until summer 2016 because the studio didn't want to release it the same year as "The Avengers" sequel. So, it's going to be another year before we see "The Man of Steel" & "The Dark Knight" on screen together.

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