Monday, April 20, 2015

"Terminator: Genisys" (Trailer)

I can't believe Arnold Schwarzenegger did another "Terminator" movie at the age of  67, and after being the Governor of California for over seven years. Since he retired from being the "Governator" in 2011, he has been trying to get back into acting by playing roles in movies like "The Last Stand", "Escape Plan", and of course, "The Expendables" trilogy. He really is getting too old for this shit, the first "Terminator" film was released back in 1984 when Schwarzenegger was in his prime. Since then, they released three more movies in this popular franchise, and this new film be the 5th movie in this 30 year long saga! Schwarzenegger is not nearly as big, buff, and in shape as he was back then, I think it's time for him to retire from acting now too...

The story line continues along with the previous four films; "John Connor" fulfills his destiny in leading the humans in war against the machines. "Kyle Reese" is a new character introduced in this movie as the one chosen to go back in time to the original "Terminator", to stop the death of "Sarah Connor" from ever happening (Another time-travel movie.....yay).

With the exception of Arnold, it's a totally new cast- "John Connor" is an adult now and played by Jason Clarke (he's the one with all the scars on his face in the trailer), The young "Sarah Connor" is played by Emilia Clarke (no relation), and Schwarzenegger reprises his role as the "Terminator" once again. The villain appears to be the same liquid metal cyborg from "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" released back in 1991. (which makes sense if this is a time travel movie) Just like I said about the 5th "Mission: Impossible" movie that's also releasing this year, the "Terminator" saga is one of the few films to create FOUR sequels without fans losing interest, and all the movies make sense when watched in order. This will probably be Arnold's last time playing this famous character, so I'm really excited to see him one last time in "Terminator: Genisys" when it released on July 1st, 2015.

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