Saturday, October 24, 2015

"The Night Before" Red Band Trailer

The trailer for this movie pretty much explains everything; its clearly a bromance comedy starring three best friends who are growing older and growing apart from one another. They have one last year to spend Christmas eve together after making it a tradition for years. So, of course, they want to end this tradition with a bang. It stars a trio of unlikely friends in Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Anthony Mackie. The movie looks like its all about debauchery and partying hard, it shows a side of Joseph Gordon Levitt that I haven't seen before. Plus, it's pretty much guaranteed to be funny if Seth Rogen is starring in the film. "The Night Before" is directed by Jonathan Levine, who also directed the 2011 movie "50 / 50", which also starred Rogen and Levitt together.

Not to mention, it's produced by Evan Goldberg, who has brought us pretty much EVERY Seth Rogen movie. Including, "Knocked Up", "Funny People", "50 / 50", "Neighbors", "This is the End", "Pineapple Express", "The Interview", and even "The Green Hornet". All of which, are good movies, so if you see Seth Rogen in a movie, chances are Goldberg wrote / produced it. They work very well together, and this movie looks like it's going to be another classic Seth Rogen comedy. Anthony Mackie is an interesting casting choice, and I'm excited to see him star in this Christmas movie that's NOT for kids.

So, it's another holiday movie, but "The Night Before" actually releases on November 20, 2015. It looks entertaining, fast-paced, and crazy!

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