Sunday, February 22, 2015

"The Interview" - Review

I finally got a chance to see "The Interview" from start to finish and I thought it was a genius comedy film, it was controversial and hilarious at the same time. James Franco and Seth Rogen star in the movie and they make such a great on-screen comedic team. Franco and Rogen not only star in this film, but they also created and produced this movie together along with Evan Goldberg under "Point Grey Pictures", Just like in "This is the End", "Neighbors", and "Pineapple Express". It seems like every production these guys put together is guaranteed to be comedy gold, and this movie is no exception! Unfortunately, SONY received threats of terrorist acts at any cinemas that showed "The Interview". SONY delayed the release of the movie for two months and toned down the Kim Jong-Un death scene before releasing it in December 2014. Obviously, North Korea has banned this film from showing in their country, then Japan and China did the same thing. That, coupled with the fact that movie-goers were scared to see this movie in theaters made for poor ticket sales; but it was still a box office hit. A spokesperson of the North Korean government stated that "Releasing a film that portrays an attack on our top-level leadership is the most blatant act of terrorism and war and will not be tolerated."

I think everyone knew this movie was going to piss off North Korea, but they are making WAY too big of a deal over a Fictional  movie. It's just like the film, "Inglorious Basterds" - The United States didn't really burn down a theater full of Nazi soldiers and shoot holes in Hitler's face, but it's entertaining to watch an evil dictator get what he deserves...Shortly after the film was released in late December; SONY Pictures was hacked and emailed threats against the U.S. and North Korea has denied any involvement. Kim John-Un is known for making hasty threats with no follow through. Rogen says he hopes "The Interview" reaches North Korea in bootleg form and he doesn't mind that it's readily available online for download. His hopes are that maybe this satirical movie will open the eyes of the North Korean population and change their image of their supreme leader. Even President Obama commented on this movie and the threats that ensued. Despite the negative attention and controversy this film gained; it's actually very light and  funny and not to be taken so seriously. It's a comedy movie and hilariously brilliant, I give it a 9/ 10 (near perfect)

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