Sunday, August 3, 2014

Foster The People - "Supermodel" album Review

Talk about a sophomore slump ! This record is NOWHERE near as good as their debut album was! "Torches" is a great album with back-to-back hit singles, including the over-played single, "Pumped up kicks". It also made them very famous world-wide, people grabbed onto this so fast and now you can't go anywhere without hearing their music. Every song on that record was Billboard Chart-worthy; they packed so much innovation, creativity, and amazing musicality into one album. Soon, what was just  an underground indie band from Los Angeles, became a HUGE success playing sold-out international tours and 2 Warped Tours.

However, Foster the People made the classic mistake of trying to go in a different direction musically when their current style was working fine. If it ain't broke - don't fix it ! Their first record was so good, you could just play it on a loop at a party. This new record is almost hard to listen to; they made the exact same mistake that MGMT just made on their second album. They slowed down their popular, up-tempo, indie/electro sound and catchy melodies and decided to release a slow, ominous and dark album; "Supermodel". It does have some catchy choruses and cool bridges, but all in all, it's terrible! I give "Supermodel" a 3/10. In fact, there are only two songs on the entire record worth listening to: "Best Friend" and "Coming of Age".

I don't know why Foster the People changed their format musically on this album but i hope they redeem themselves on their next one. "Torches" set the bar high so i had high expectations for this record and I am definitely disappointed..

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