Monday, August 24, 2015

White-Pride World-Wide

Lately, due to the area I live in - I'm constantly having problems with sterotypical blacks and their frustrating black ignorance. It's obviously a problem in this country, the statistics are right there for you to see. They have to talk like uneducated thugs, they speak loudly, dress inappropriately, and they all fly off the handle and lose control very easily. They are a less evolved species of human, I feel bad for the 10% of black people that actually behave normally and contribute to society. The other 90% of black are EXACTLY THE SAME - Every black male thinks he is going to be the next big rapper and thinks having the latest pair of sneakers is a status symbol. Every black female is rude, extremely loud, and has at least one baby from a deadbeat father.

They even brag that white people are "scared" of them. Of course white people don't want to live near ghetto, inconsiderate, loud & obnoxious blacks - they ruin every community they live in. In fact, their very presence in a neighborhood lowers the property value of those homes....that's a FACT, isn't that pathetic?! Blacks commit 25 times more violent assaults / murders against white people than whites against blacks. They are a dangerous, violent, cancer on society, and now we are running out of prison space for these dangerous & ignorant black convicts. It's an epidemic in America and more white people need to open their eyes and speak up.WE ARE NOT SCARED.


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